
Orange Jelly Mini Cakes

It has taken me an honest whereas to return to posting this orange jelly mini cakes formula that is one among my high favorite treats. I almost referred to as the formula homespun Jaffa cakes however they're roughly because the ones within the look, they're a number of million times higher ? and that i say that solely as a result of they need no nasty additives in them.

For the sponge:

  • 4 eggs
  • 90 g sugar
  • 2/3 tsp vanilla extract
  • 120 g flour (sieved if using plain white)
  • 2 ml coconut oil (melted) for greasing

For the jelly:

  • 250 ml orange juice (freshly squeezed and strained)
  • 100 g sugar
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 5 ml coconut oil (melted) for greasing

For the topping:

  • 250 g dark chocolate (melted)
Orange Jelly Mini Cakes

For the jelly:

  1. I always start by making the jelly because this needs to set and it needs to set for about 1.5 - 2 hours regardless whether you make it from scratch or use a ready made jelly.
  2. Cut 2-4 (depending on size) fresh oranges into half and squeeze the juice out. Strain the juice through a fine strainer and pour in a sauce pan that you will need to place on low heat as you should not get this to boil.
  3. Add the sugar (100g), put in the gelatin and stir until both sugar and the gelatin have melted.
  4. Take out a cupcake silicone tray (24 holes) and pour into each hole 1-2 tbsp (depending how big/deep the tbsp is - but the thickness of the jelly should be of around 3mm).
  5. Place this on a flat surface in the fridge or somewhere cool to chill. Allow it 1-2 hours to set and coagulate - check from time to time as in the fridge this will get ready quicker.

For the sponge/cake:

  1. Start by preheating the oven at 180C/350F or Gas mark 4.
  2. Place a pot containing water over medium/low heat and allow it to simmer over which place a glass bowl in which we will be mixing the eggs, sugar, vanilla and a pinch of salt using a free standing electric mixer. Mix for about 4 minutes until the eggs are nice and frothy.
  3. Remove this from the heat, place on a towel on desktop and using a spatula slowly fold in the flour.
  4. Grease lightly a 24 hole muffin tray and spoon in the batter - again 1 or 2 tbsp depending on how big/small this is but the batter should be no thicker than 3-4mm.
  5. Bake for 10-12 min.
  6. Remove from the oven, set aside for a few minutes and then take one by one out and place on a wire rack.

For the chocolate topping:

  • Melt the chocolate however method you wish (microwave or on the stove over simmering water) and set aside.

Assembling the cookies:

  1. We need to put those delights together now by placing the jelly (cut/shape into smaller circles if you wish) over the cake/sponge and then using a spoon, spread gently and carefully (to cover the jelly entirely) the chocolate all the way until you almost reach the edges. The chocolate should be slightly cooler as if it is too hot it is runny and difficult to handle.Make some nice Jaffa cake patterns if you like by pressing a fork gently over the chocolate surface and then lift slightly.
  2. Oh dear, I have managed to made this really easy to make cakes into some sophisticated looking recipe but I really wanted to put in more detailed instructions rather than some really succinct ones that will make you wonder here and there.
  3. Enjoy those little delights and do not go too far away from them allowing the others to make them varnish in seconds. Police them ;-)) if you want any left for you or hide them before even putting any on the table out for serve ;-)) that’s what I would do if I was you.

Adapted from HERE

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